[XeTeX] arabxetex Fonts are not connected

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Thu May 22 15:24:44 CEST 2008

Marek Stepanek a écrit :
> Hello all!
> Compiling the following file, I get only not connected Arbic Fonts in the
> pdf-output: 
> The Font Scheherazade is installed three times, on my Mac (10.4.11):
> /usr/local/texlive/2007/texmf-dist/fonts/truetype/public/arab/Scheherazade.t
> tf
> and
> /Library/Fonts/Scheherazade.ttf
> ~/Library/Fonts/ScheherazadeRegAAT.ttf
> compiling this file I get the following error:
> " Font "Scheherazade-AAT/ICU"does not contain script 'Arabic' "
My guess is that you are processing an AAT font with xdvipdfmx instead 
of xdv2pdf. You should either use the OpenType version 
(Scheherazade.ttf) or try the AAT version with xdv2pdf (by calling 
xelatex --output-driver=xdv2pdf). But Mac users should be better placed 
to help you on this.


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