[XeTeX] Font sizes and line spacings

Meho R. meho_r at yahoo.com
Tue May 20 08:38:19 CEST 2008

Thank you John and Will. I'll keep in mind your advices (I've written them down;).

Leading package is what I was looking for for some time now. Thanks a lot :)

Still, remains the question: how to set font at specific size (e.g. how to set main font to Adobe Garamond Pro at exactly 13pt)? I tried to make some simple calculation, but results aren't consistent. Please correct me if I'm doing it wrong:

– I set "12pt" option to \documentclass to get font at 12pt. No Scale option for main font (\fontspec).
– I set "10pt" option to \documentclass and Scale={1.2} to \fontspec to get font at 12 pt. The two results aren't similar. Somehow, the latter gives wider text and a little larger font. So, I guess that I can't get exact size for a font this way.

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