[XeTeX] TiKZ, XeTeX, semitransparent - Acrobat draws then erases

Matthew Leingang leingang at math.harvard.edu
Fri May 9 20:25:22 CEST 2008

Hi folks,

I had a problem with a beamer presentation typeset with xelatex and  
viewed with the Acrobat Reader.  On one of the slides, paging to it  
would flash the correct slide, then suddenly half of the slide would  
disappear.  I would get a dialog saying there's an error in the PDF,  
then another dialog giving an error code of 14.

I worked it down considerably to the following minimal example:

%%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
Is there a picture here?
\draw[semitransparent] (0,0) -- (1,0) node[opaque] {$z$};

Typeset with pdflatex, everything's fine.  Typeset with xelatex, it  
looks fine in TeXShop's PDF viewer and Mac OS X's Preview  
application.  In Acrobat Reader, however, the page draws then  
disappears right away. This is on Acrobat Reader 8.1.2, but I've  
viewed the same PDF on Acrobat Reader on another mac, and also on a  
PC and gotten the same problem.

If I remove the "semitransparent" option then the Acrobat problem  
goes away.

I can definitely get along without the option in my slideshow but I  
have no idea what caused the problem. Thanks in advance for any ideas.


Matthew Leingang
Preceptor in Mathematics
Harvard University


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