[XeTeX] non-breaking space in Sanskrit

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Sun Jun 22 10:12:37 CEST 2008

Yves Codet a écrit :
> Hello.
> François, would it be possible to modify "gloss-sanskrit.ldf" so as  
> to add a non-breaking space before punctuation marks, danda (U+0964)  
> and double danda (U+0965)? Do other sanskritists on the list also  
> think it is desirable?

Hi Yves and others,

Sorry, I only noticed this today.

I have just added the modification, but before committing, I'd like you 
to confirm that the punctuation marks you have in mind (in addition to । 
and ॥) are ! ? ; and : (as with French).


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