[XeTeX] issue with xetex and geometry

Ulrike Fischer news2 at nililand.de
Wed Jul 30 09:34:47 CEST 2008

Am Tue, 29 Jul 2008 22:28:15 +0200 schrieb Pablo Rodríguez:

> Hi there,
> I have TL 2007 installed on my Mandriva 2008.1 distribution, but I don't 
> get the following document compiled as expected:
> \documentclass{slides}
> \usepackage{graphicx,color}
> \usepackage[xdvipdfmx,screen,margin=1cm,noheadfoot,truedimen,mag=1500]{geometry}

> Text should be vertically and horizontally centered, but page size is 
> wrong. What am I doing wrong?

You need a geometry.cfg special for xelatex: 

%% geometry.cfg for XeLaTeX - version of 2008-03-26

 %% override to use the "pdftex" driver
 %% (i.e., \pdfpagewidth, \pdfpageheight) with XeTeX
 \def\Gm at checkdrivers{%
       \Gm at setdriver{pdftex}%


%% End of file `geometry.cfg'.

If xelatex can find it, you can use 
\usepackage[dvips,...]{geometry} and it will work with dvips, pdflatex
and xelatex (unless other packages or the class don't do something

Ulrike Fischer 

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