[XeTeX] [OT?] "Optimized" PDFs?

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Thu Jan 17 17:48:08 CET 2008

On Thu, 2008-01-17 at 09:05 +0100, Martin Schröder wrote:
> O.k. not before starting the thread, but before the last mail asking
> about linearized pdf.
> Google for "linearized pdf". The first hit for me is a faq entry:
> http://www.citationsoftware.com/faqPDFlinearization.htm

I do not believe that precise term was one that I fed it.  I did feed in
just about everything I thought of last evening, however:

  linear pdf
  optimized pdf
  web optimized pdf
  linear optimized pdf
  what is optimized pdf
  what is linear pdf

The results that I got very largely focused on "how to" make a PDF
linear, or sites where you can buy or illegally download Adobe software
that will do this task for you.

I have added some information to a site highly indexed by Google
(Wikipedia) on optimized PDF files.  That is a starting point for a lot
of my research, too, and I was actually rather surprised that there was
no information in the article for PDF regarding optimized/linear files.

	--- Mike

Michael B. Trausch                                   mike at trausch.us
home: 404-592-5746, 1                                 www.trausch.us
cell: 678-522-7934                       im: mike at trausch.us, jabber
Ubuntu Unofficial Backports Project:    http://backports.trausch.us/
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