[XeTeX] Opentype fonts with vrt2 + linux

Wilfred van Rooijen wvanrooijen at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 13 23:12:16 CET 2008

Hi all,

With the kind help of Apostolos Syropoulos I compiled
xetex 0.997 and made the corresponding Xelatex:

rooijen at love206a-rooijen ~/new-xetex $ xetex.new
XeTeX 3.141592-2.2-0.997 (Web2C 7.5.6)

Compiled with ICU version 3.6 [with modifications for
Compiled with zlib version 1.2.3; using 1.2.3
Compiled with FreeType2 version 2.3.5; using 2.3.5
Compiled with fontconfig version 2.5.0; using 2.5.0
Compiled with libpng version 1.2.15; using 1.2.15
Compiled with xpdf version 3.01

I've tried the following input, but to no avail:



\fontspec[Mapping=tex-text]{Kozuka Mincho Pro-VI R}

This is English.

Mincho Pro-VI}

\rotatebox{-90}{This is English.

\flushright Hello World!
\flushleft Hello World!


I've attached the resulting PDF. Note the following:
the Japanese characters are not rotated. The latin
characters are rotated, but I think they are rotated
the wrong way round, and that's why the 'English'
sentence ends up upside down.

If you need more verbose output and/or debugging info,
just let me know.

I admit that building xetex from source is actually a
lot simpler than I thought - I've through more
complicated build & compile experiences before.

Apostolos suggested that I make a linux binary
available of the latest xetex from SVN. I am willing
to do that, if somebody is willing to take some time
and explain what it would involve.

I work on a gentoo system with the latest 'stable'
software on it, and I'm glad to be of service.


--- Jonathan Kew <jonathan_kew at sil.org> wrote:

> On 13 Jan 2008, at 3:02 pm, Wilfred van Rooijen
> wrote:
> > Hello JK,
> >
> > This is where we run into murky waters. After the
> > latest Gentoo packages are installed:
> >
> > Compiled with ICU version 3.4 [with modifications
> for
> > XeTeX]
> > Compiled with zlib version 1.2.3; using 1.2.3
> > Compiled with FreeType2 version 2.2.1; using 2.2.1
> > Compiled with fontconfig version 2.2.1; using
> 2.5.0
> > Compiled with libpng version 1.2.15; using 1.2.15
> > Compiled with xpdf version 3.01
> >
> > Note that fontconfig has been updated to 2.5.0.
> >
> > For freetype:
> >
> > rooijen at love206a-rooijen ~/Xelatex/Japanese $
> > freetype-config --version
> > 9.16.3
> >
> > rooijen at love206a-rooijen ~/Xelatex/Japanese $
> > freetype-config --ftversion
> > 2.3.5
> >
> > The 2.3.5 is the only version installed in my
> system,
> > according to gentoo emerge. I used 'locate
> freetype'
> > to find out more, there seems to be only one
> version.
> > Where / how does xetex think it has freetype
> 2.2.1?
> Hmm.... I guess this means that the xetex binary was
> static-linked  
> with freetype 2.2.1, so it is independent of the
> library version  
> installed on your system.
> To confirm the situation, are you running binaries
> that come directly  
> from the TeX Live DVD, or from Gentoo packages of
> TeX Live? The TeX  
> Live distribution uses static linking wherever
> possible (virtually  
> all the libraries except fontconfig) for maximum
> portability, while  
> distro-based packages typically use dynamic linking
> so that library  
> updates can be applied centrally for all programs
> using the lib.
> So to be able to update the Freetype version used by
> xetex, I think  
> you'd need to either rebuild it locally, or use a
> Gentoo port that is  
> dynamically linked instead of the generic TeX Live
> version.
> JK
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