[XeTeX] Superscript in Linux Libertine

Till Rettig till.rettig at gmx.de
Mon Feb 11 15:22:30 CET 2008

> Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 20:38:43 +1030
> From: Will Robertson <wspr81 at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [XeTeX] Superscript in Linux Libertine
> To: Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms <xetex at tug.org>
> Message-ID: <F24588FB-AA07-4707-9252-AE68C1474A51 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> For a quick fix, you search through the code in xltxtra you'll find  
> the chunk of code
>      \ifzf at icu
>        \zf at check@ot at feat{+sups}%
>        \if at tempswa
>          {\addfontfeature{VerticalPosition=Superior}#1}%
>        \else
>          \fakesuperscript{#1}%
>        \fi
>      \else
>        \fakesuperscript{#1}%
>      \fi
> and change
>     {\addfontfeature{VerticalPosition=Superior}#1}
> to
>     {\fontspec[VerticalPosition=Superior]{\csname zf at family@fontdef 
> \f at family\endcsname}#1}
> (untested -- hopefully it works!)
Thank you for that quick help. But sorry, I didn't figure out what it 
does, anyhow your testfile doesn't work yet ( mean it prints still 
normal old style numbers and no superscript numbers), and when writing a 
footnote (which triggers the supersript) I get following message:

! Font \zf at basefont="" not loadable: installed font not found.
<to be read again>
                   \zf at family@fontdef LinuxLibertineO(0)

Obviously it is looking for a new font definition (0?)?

> Otherwise, until the Libertine fonts are fixed you could just load  
> xltxtra without the smart superscript facilities:
>    \usepackage[no-sscript]{xltxtra}
Hm, I seem to have had an old version of xltxtra, this option doesn't 
exist yet. I just updated and this works fine, since it is only for 
those numbers I can live with it for the moment.

Thank you for that solution!


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