[XeTeX] Polyglossia issue with fancyhdr

Meho R. meho_r at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 1 16:05:57 CEST 2008


Recently I noticed a strange issue with fancyhdr package when used with polyglossia declared in document. I noticed that I'm not able to manipulate with font's specs, no way to change font or make it italic or smallcaps. Anyone knows what's the catch? How to overcome this problem?

I'm posting minimal working example for testing purposes. You'll notice that headers should be smallcaps, but only "manual" header is in smallcaps, while the "leftmark" is not. You may try with italic or bold, but header remains the same.

If you comment out \setmainlanguage, everything's fine.

Here's code:
\fancyhead[EC]{\nouppercase{\footnotesize\scshape Test}}

\setmainfont{Minion Pro}% or any other .otf font


\chapter{Test Chap.}
\section{Test Sec.}


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