[XeTeX] xltxtra, fonts, and "Latin Modern Roman" at 10.0pt not loadable

Ulrike Fischer news2 at nililand.de
Mon Apr 14 18:34:46 CEST 2008

Am Mon, 14 Apr 2008 07:49:45 -0700 schrieb David Rangel:

> How does one determine what version of Latin Modern one has
> and what it is called?  

If you had windows I would say: use the property menu in the context
menu of the fonts. I don't know what a mac user should do. 

As far as I remember the real file names of the lmodern changed too, so
you can probably decide if you have the newest version by comparing the
file names of the otf:


But probably you don't need the workaround any more. Simply update
xltxtra, see Will's posting to your first bug report. 

Ulrike Fischer 

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