[XeTeX] Many warnings when compile beamer presentation using XeLaTex

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Tue Apr 8 08:56:13 CEST 2008

Le 7 avr. 08 à 23:31, Andreas Matthias a écrit :

> It is a bug. And yes, it wasn't easy to track it down. Here's
> a minimum example:
> \documentclass{beamer}
> \useoutertheme{smoothbars} % loaded by Frankfurt style
> \begin{document}
> \section{sec1}
> \section{s}
> \subsection{sub}
> \begin{frame}\end{frame}
> \begin{frame}\end{frame}
> \begin{frame}\end{frame}
> \begin{frame}\end{frame}
> \end{document}

OK, I understand now, thanks to your example. I thought everything was  
working right on my setup, and it was a version problem with Steve  
having an older version of beamer than me.

But that's not the case: your example does not yield any warning in  
the TeX console or in the log file, but the bullets in the output are  
partially cropped on the upper right side of each page, as you  

There are warnings indeed, but they are produced by xdvipdfmx not  
xelatex itself. Namely, if xelatex and xdvipdfmx are run from the  
command line, here's what happens:

$ xelatex -no-pdf test2.tex
This is XeTeXk, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.997 (Web2C 7.5.6)
  %&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
Output written on test2.xdv (4 pages, 47576 bytes).
Transcript written on test2.log.
$ xdvipdfmx test2.xdv
test2.xdv -> test2.pdf
** WARNING ** Annotation out of page boundary.
** WARNING ** Current page's MediaBox: [0 0 362.835 272.126]
** WARNING ** Annotation: [364.798 259.912 366.562 260.452]
** WARNING ** Maybe incorrect paper size specified.
** WARNING ** Annotation out of page boundary.
** WARNING ** Current page's MediaBox: [0 0 362.835 272.126]
** WARNING ** Annotation: [364.798 259.912 366.562 260.452]
** WARNING ** Maybe incorrect paper size specified.
** WARNING ** Annotation out of page boundary.
** WARNING ** Current page's MediaBox: [0 0 362.835 272.126]
** WARNING ** Annotation: [364.798 259.912 366.562 260.452]
** WARNING ** Maybe incorrect paper size specified.
** WARNING ** Annotation out of page boundary.
** WARNING ** Current page's MediaBox: [0 0 362.835 272.126]
** WARNING ** Annotation: [364.798 259.912 366.562 260.452]
** WARNING ** Maybe incorrect paper size specified.
18817 bytes written

So the warnings are indeed there, and my interpretation as a version  
problem was wrong.

Looking back at Steve's original message at the beginning of this  
thread, I realize now he has mentioned the necessity to run xelatex  
and xdvipdfmx separately in order for the problem to show up:

> The resulted PDF file looks good but if I run XeLaTeX in the
> two-phases way ( that is, xelatex -no-pdf -halt-on-error; xdivpdfmx ),
> I then always got thousands of warning messages listed as below:
> ** WARNING ** Unknown token "SDict"
> ** WARNING ** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
> ** WARNING ** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
> ** WARNING ** >> at page="1" position="(362.835, -1.2643e-005)" (in  
> PDF)
> ** WARNING ** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin [ {ThisPage}<</Trans << /S /R >>
>>> /PUT pdfm..."
> ** WARNING ** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin [
> {ThisPage}<</Trans << /S /R >> >> /PUT pdfmark end<<
> I don't know what these messages exactly mean, if I run one phase
> XeLaTex, the procedure seems good.

I must admit I had skipped this portion of his message on first read.

Bruno Voisin

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