[XeTeX] colour \specials not working with xdvipdfmx driver?

Paul Howson paul-lists at tdgq.com.au
Mon Sep 10 04:01:21 CEST 2007

Another fault has arisen with xetex on linux (Red Hat).

These two \special commands colourise rules or type:

\special{x:rulecolor=<hex rgb value>}
\special{x:textcolor=<hex rgb value>}

where <hex rgb value> is a 6 digit hex color value.

They work fine with xetex on the Mac.

On linux, with the xdvipdfmx driver, no errors are reported, but the  
commands have no effect -- i.e. subsequent rules or text are not  

Test files are:
FILE 1: (should put a red rule under a line of type)

	the quick brown fox\par
	\hrule height 10pt

FILE 2: (should make red type)

	the quick brown fox\par

As reported both work fine on MacOS, but produce black-only rules and  
text on linux with the xdvipdfmx driver.

Any help would be appreciated.

Paul Howson

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