[XeTeX] Using otf fonts in xelatex

Axel Etzold AEtzold at gmx.de
Wed Oct 31 21:13:25 CET 2007

Dear all,

I am trying to use some *.otf fonts in xelatex.
I read that xetex can use these "directlyon Mac OSX" (here:
however, I need to use them in xelatex and Opensuse Linux 10.2,
and the installation process seems somewhat different -- and quite
confusing to the newbie --
so I am getting some error messages:

xelatex d2.tex
This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.996 (Web2C 7.5.6)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel <v3.8d> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, esperanto, e
stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, norsk, polish, portu
ges, romanian, slovak, slovene, spanish, swedish, nohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class

LaTeX Warning: You have requested, on input line 55, version
               `2005/05/07' of package xkeyval,
               but only version
               `2005/01/30 v2.0 package option processing (HA)'
               is available.

! Font EU1/lmr/m/n/10=[lmroman10-regular] at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM)
file or installed font not found.
<to be read again>
l.100 \fontencoding\encodingdefault\selectfont


The input file is :



\section*{My very first xetex document}

Hello, world. I hope to be able to typeset in OpenType Fonts easily in the
future, using accents both in Latex style \'{e}\"{a} and in Unicode, as
well as mathematical $formulae$.



So far, I've put the otf files I had bought into one directory, and
left them there -- because somewhere, it was promised that this would
work straight away  -- but it didn't :(

axel at dhcppc0:/usr/local/share/fonts> ls
GaramBQBoIta.otf              lmroman9-oblique.otf
GaramBQBol.otf                lmroman9-regular.otf
GaramBQIta.otf                lmsans10-boldoblique.otf
GaramBQMedCnd.otf             lmsans10-bold.otf
GaramBQMedIta.otf             lmsans10-demicondensedoblique.otf
GaramBQMed.otf                lmsans10-demicondensed.otf
GaramBQRegCnd.otf             lmsans10-oblique.otf
GaramBQReg.otf                lmsans10-regular.otf
lmroman10-bolditalic.otf      lmsans12-oblique.otf
lmroman10-boldoblique.otf     lmsans12-regular.otf
lmroman10-bold.otf            lmsans17-oblique.otf
lmroman10-capsoblique.otf     lmsans17-regular.otf
lmroman10-capsregular.otf     lmsans8-oblique.otf
lmroman10-demioblique.otf     lmsans8-regular.otf
lmroman10-demi.otf            lmsans9-oblique.otf
lmroman10-dunhilloblique.otf  lmsans9-regular.otf
lmroman10-dunhill.otf         lmsansquotation8-boldoblique.otf
lmroman10-italic.otf          lmsansquotation8-bold.otf
lmroman10-oblique.otf         lmsansquotation8-oblique.otf
lmroman10-regular.otf         lmsansquotation8-regular.otf
lmroman10-unslanted.otf       lmtypewriter10-capsoblique.otf
lmroman12-bold.otf            lmtypewriter10-capsregular.otf
lmroman12-italic.otf          lmtypewriter10-darkoblique.otf
lmroman12-oblique.otf         lmtypewriter10-dark.otf
lmroman12-regular.otf         lmtypewriter10-italic.otf
lmroman17-oblique.otf         lmtypewriter10-lightcondensedoblique.otf
lmroman17-regular.otf         lmtypewriter10-lightcondensed.otf
lmroman5-bold.otf             lmtypewriter10-lightoblique.otf
lmroman5-regular.otf          lmtypewriter10-light.otf
lmroman6-bold.otf             lmtypewriter10-oblique.otf
lmroman6-regular.otf          lmtypewriter10-regular.otf
lmroman7-bold.otf             lmtypewriter12-regular.otf
lmroman7-italic.otf           lmtypewriter8-regular.otf
lmroman7-regular.otf          lmtypewriter9-regular.otf
lmroman8-bold.otf             lmtypewritervarwd10-darkoblique.otf
lmroman8-italic.otf           lmtypewritervarwd10-dark.otf
lmroman8-oblique.otf          lmtypewritervarwd10-lightoblique.otf
lmroman8-regular.otf          lmtypewritervarwd10-light.otf
lmroman9-bold.otf             lmtypewritervarwd10-oblique.otf
lmroman9-italic.otf           lmtypewritervarwd10-regular.otf

What conversions do I need to do ?

Thank you very much for your help!

Best regards,


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