[XeTeX] Several suggestions and bug reports concerning Asian language support

Yin Dian yindian at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 03:43:05 CEST 2007

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks very much for your reply. It really helps! I hope I could find these
useful stuffs in XeTeX's reference manual :-)

Thank you again for your efforts in making such a wonderful TeX engine.



On 10/18/07, Jonathan Kew <jonathan_kew at sil.org> wrote:
> Yin Dian, ni hao!
> Thanks for your reports. A couple of items I can answer immediately:
> > 1. I wish XeTeX 0.997 could provide a means to determine the
> > character class number for a given character, for example, a
> > primitive \XeTeXgetcharclass, which expands to the class number of
> > the following char slot.
> You should be able to use \the\XeTeXcharclass NNN, where NNN is a
> character number, to access this (just like examining a character's
> \catcode, \lccode, etc.):
>      \immediate\write16{char "61 has class \the\XeTeXcharclass "61 }
>      \immediate\write16{char "6161 has class \the\XeTeXcharclass "6161 }
> > 3. I suggest XeTeX can provide interfaces to use dvipdfmx's font
> > slant and stretch feature
> With XeTeX 0.997, you can use "slant=XXX" and "extend=YYY" as font
> attributes, as in
>      \font\x = "Charis SIL:extend=1.5;slant=0.25" at 12pt
>      \x This is slanted and extended text.
> (This was not available in the 0.996 release or earlier;
> documentation needs to catch up!)
> I will look into your other suggestions and bug reports, and hope to
> make improvements in the future. Thanks for your valuable feedback!
> JK
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