[XeTeX] Lucida New Math and XeTeX

Axel E. Retif axretif at igo.com.mx
Tue May 15 16:49:17 CEST 2007

I was very surprised to find out that Lucida New Math (Lucida TUG  
distribution) works perfectly well with XeTeX, with the following:


\usepackage[cm-default]{fontspec} %% <-- cm-default is obligatory,
                                   %% though no CM fonts are actually  

\setmainfont{Lucida Bright}
\setsansfont{Lucida Sans}
\setmonofont{Lucida Sans Typewriter}


   Just a test with roman and {\itshape italics} {\scshape ---small  
caps don't work\dots}\\
   {\sffamily\bfseries Bold sans serif and \itshape bold italic sans  

   \mathcal F(s) = \int^\infty_0 f(t) \exp(-st)\,\mathrm{d}t


Examining the result in Acrobat, every font is either system's Lucida  
or LucidaNewMath, with both drivers, xdv2pdf or xdvipdfmx.

Other math fonts (txfonts, pxfonts, mathptmx, MnSymbol) work also,  
but with mixed results: driver *has* to be xdvipdfmx *and many  
symbols are taken from Computer Modern fonts*.

And, by the way, one gets same results if instead of lucbmath.sty one  
uses lucidabr.sty.

I wonder why Lucida works so perfectly and not other math fonts.



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