[XeTeX] An (almost) complete cyrunicode.tex

Evgenie Medvedev medvedev at project7.ru
Fri Jun 29 06:45:53 CEST 2007

Jonathan Kew wrote:
> That would be great. I just put together a minimal list as a test,  
> but am not a Russian speaker/reader.

	And it's done. This is an almost complete \cyr definition.

	Almost, because while I am sure that it covers Russian, Belorussian and
Ukrainian, there's a multitude of other languages using Cyrillic with
their own exotic letters to accommodate their phonemes, which I'm not
familiar with, so if I made any silly mistakes, that's where they are --
see comments inside. It might work for Bashkir, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, and
Serbian, as far as I can see, but I'm completely blank on the rest of them.
	Besides, X2 encoding (which LaTeX manual says is intended to support
all Cyrillic languages supported at all, and which I based this on)
includes some things I simply could not locate in Unicode despite my
best efforts, and a few odd things I'm not sure what to do with, like
thin angle brackets, (?) and letters Q, W, delta and epsilon. (While I
might accept that some Cyrillic language out there in the wild uses Q or
W, though it doesn't sound likely, I find epsilon and delta pretty much
impossible.) Also, some of the symbols defined by X2 and Unicode do not
pass through LaTeX utf-8 implementation for some reason.
	There was also \textcompwordmark (no idea what it is) and the extra
accents X2 defines, which I'm not knowledgeable enough to tackle properly.

Evgenie Medvedev
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