[XeTeX] xetexref updated

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Tue Jun 26 09:32:45 CEST 2007

Thanks Jonathan for your illuminating answers, as always.

Jonathan Kew a écrit :
> Yes, I've tried Nafees Nastaleeq as well, and seen that there are some 
> problems. The only OpenType Nastaliq font I'm aware of that currently 
> renders properly with ICU in XeTeX is the OpenType version of 
> Monotype's Noori Nastaliq, which is not freely available... but looks 
> beautiful (see attached).
Yes I like that font! Do you know if Linotype Qalmi also renders well 
with XeTeX?

>> \usepackage{xltxtra,fontspec}
>> \usepackage{arabxetex}
>> \newcommand{\colorblue}{\addfontfeature{Color=0000FF}}
>> \newcommand{\colorred}{\addfontfeature{Color=FF0000}}
>> \newcommand{\colorblack}{\addfontfeature{Color=FFFFFF}}
>> \setmainfont{Junicode}
>> \newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic]{Scheherazade}
>> \begin{document}
>> \begin{Arabic}[voc]\Large % The name Muṣṭafā مُصطَفَى ...
>> m\char"200D\colorred\char"200D u\char"200D\colorblack\char"200D% 
>> .s.t\char"200D\colorred\char"200D a\char"200D\colorblack\char"200D% 
>> f\char"200D\colorred\char"200D a\char"200D\colorblack\char"200D "Y
>> \end{Arabic}
>> \end{document}
> While this will "sort of" work, note that breaking up an Arabic word 
> like this will prevent any OpenType features that rely on context 
> being used properly. The insertion of \char"200D can give you 
> connecting forms of the letters (though you'd have to be careful not 
> to insert them after right-linking letters), but a font with more 
> complex cursive forms than the "basic 4" shapes will lose the context 
> needed for proper glyph selection. Even in a simple font like 
> Scheherazade, you'll lose the proper positioning of vowel signs via 
> mark-to-base positioning rules.
OK, perhaps it was just luck, but the above *did* work (see attachment). 
Yet I see your point.
>> If the insertion of font features at the level of font mappings were 
>> possible (is this at all feasible, Jonathan?), this could be 
>> implemented quite easily with TECkit...
> No, not at present. Font mappings operate strictly on the character 
> sequence that is actually going to be rendered in a given font -- 
> where a "font" is a specific instance within XeTeX of a font at a 
> particular size and with a certain set of features.
I know it is not possible with TECkit at the moment. What I meant more 
precisely was more along the lines "Is an hypothetical extension of 
TECkit that would allow the insertion of font features (I am not talking 
of TeX macros here!) something that might be theoretically or 
practically feasible?" I assume not.

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