[XeTeX] XeLaTeX and unicode footnote symbols

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 07:02:04 CEST 2007

On 6/1/07, Álex Bueno <lists+tex+xetex at bueno.imap.cc> wrote:
> If I understand correctly, the xunicode and fixltx2e packages are
> supposed to handle this?

fixltx2e is automatically loaded by xunicode, but the problem for you
is that footmisc does its own thing. Either I can email Robin
Fairbairns to see if any changes to that package are possible, or I
could define a command in xltxtra "\unicodefootnotesymbols" or
something. Alternatively, I could check in xltxtra if footmisc is
loaded and change things appropriately.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll do something along these lines.


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