[XeTeX] footnotes with opentype superscript, and bibtex with xetex (quotes and hyphens)

Álex Bueno lists+tex+xetex at bueno.imap.cc
Wed Feb 7 05:01:45 CET 2007

On 06 Feb 2007, at 6:04 am, Will Robertson wrote:

>>> Hmmm. I can't reproduce the problem. But I'm probably not using the
>>> same version of fontspec as you. Does this work for you?
>>> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>>> \setmainfont{Warnock Pro}
>>> \begin{document}
>>> \makeatletter
>>> \def\@makefnmark{{\addfontfeatures
>>> {Numbers=Lining,VerticalPosition=Superior}{\@thefnmark}}}
>>> \makeatother
>>> test\footnote{blah}
>>> \end{document}
>> You're right; I must not be using the same version. That gives me a
>> whopping 98 errors and two warnings. I'm using the fink unstable tex
>> installation, which includes v1.12. I'm guessing then I should be
>> using a more recent package. Any particular package recommendable?
> I would have expected it to work regardless...(I assume you adjusted
> the font being requested? Oops, I should have used Hoefler Text.) If
> you can post the console output, that'd be helpful in working out
> what the problem was.

Well, I did get it to work. But I had to install Gerben Wierda's TeX  
package. For what it's worth, I'm attaching the output from the fink  

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> Oh, also, the Numbers=Lining is unnecessary. I've never heard of a
> font with both uppercase and lowercase superscript numbers. (Adam?)

You're right, as far as I know. It was just a reaction to getting old- 
style numbers for the footnotes in the faked superscript.


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