[XeTeX] xelatex and perltex: incompatibility?

Nickkk nickkk at phonecoop.coop
Sat Dec 8 11:13:16 CET 2007


There seems to be some incompatibility between perltex and xelatex over the 
use of pipes.  But I might be making a basic mistake.

I asked Scott Pakin, the perltex creator, if there might be an incompatibility 
between the two.

This is the problem:

I'm using the latest perltex 1.5.  I'm using the texlive package from debian 

I used two different documents, including a very minimal:


%\setmainfont{Myriad Pro}
	return "goodbye, cruel world";


(the problem also reproduces with xltxtra,fontspec,xunicode, and Myriad Pro.)

It works fine with pdflatex.
It works fine with xelatex, so long as I have not used \perlnewcommand.

But with xelatex as the latex command, and using \perlnewcommand in the 
preamble. ( perltex --latex=xelatex test.tex )

I get this error:

 LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.1 n

AND I get two or more "ndinput"s in the pdf before the actual contents of the 
command, which otherwise seems to have worked fine.

Interestingly, if I put the command after \begin{document} I don't get the 
error, but I do get the "ndinput"s.

Scott Pakin's response:

> I haven't used XeLaTeX myself, but your minimal \perlnewcommand call
> looks correct -- especially given that it works with pdflatex.  Yours
> is the first report I've received of problems with PerlTeX+XeLaTeX
> although I have heard that one of my other packages also has problems
> with XeLaTeX (a completely different problem from yours, however).
> ...
> Strange.  Something certainly seems awry with xelatex's processing of
> \endinput.  It's like it's discarding the "\e" then trying to typeset
> the "ndinput".  If you create a file that ends with an \endinput line
> and \input that into your main document, does xelatex process the
> \endinput correctly?
> Do things improve with PerlTeX if you replace the line
>     if (!eval {mkfifo($pipe, 0600)}) {
> in perltex.pl with
>     if (1) {
> ?  I'm wondering if xelatex handles named pipes differently from how
> pdflatex does.  The preceding change disables PerlTeX's named-pipe
> support.

I had a go at making the file that ends in \endinput, but it seems to choke in 
the same way.

When I amended the perltex file, it ran smoothly on this, and on a more 
complex document.

Scott Pakin thought people on this list would have a good insight into how 
xelatex handles pipes:

> Ask if there's anything unusual about the way xelatex
> reads files that could be expected to break named pipes.  In the
> meantime, I suppose I should add a --nopipe command-line option to
> perltex for the sake of xelatex users.

Any comments?

(thanks in advance for your help)

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