[XeTeX] Hebrew using TexLive2007/XeTeX/bidi under windows XP

sjo sjo222 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 02:49:58 CEST 2007

If anybody has been using Xetex for bidirectional processing under
Windows XP, I would ver much appreciate knowing what tools you are
using (including the frontend editor).

I have just installed Texlive2007/XeTeX for Hebrew (and English)
typesetting under Windows XP. Some of the issues I have run into are
listed below:

1. xelatex produces PDF directly. I am using the TexLipse/Eclipse
Editor to run xelatex (this editor allows both hebrew and english). Is
there a better editing frontend under Windows XP?

2. How do I get source (tex file) to PDF linking so that the previewer
takes me directly to the page in the PDF where I am currently editing?
I have tried some DDE commands but there is no documentation that
tells me precisely how to do it. Perhaps there is a better frontend
(as in 1 above).

3. I am using the bidi.sty package but am not quite sure that I am
using it correctly. Currently the latex below seems to work.

\setmainfont[Script=Hebrew]{Ezra SIL}

... Some Hebrew ...


4. It seems that one must use both the \beginR (from xetex) and \setRL
(from bidi) to get a right to left paragraph with footnotes etc.
treated properly. Is this the correct way to use bidi.sty?

5. Footnotes have some problems. The footnote separator has to be
redefined to something like


otherwise the separator appears in the main text (not low enough).
Also, there is a too much space between the footnote number and the
start of the footnote. (The bidi docs appear to say that this is a bug
in the xelatex?)

6. Is there a way to get footnotes numbered using Hebrew numbering?

Many thanks for any (and all) help.


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