[XeTeX] Transparent font color with xdvipdfmx (was: PDF file info)

caapv 208 caapv208 at yahoo.co.jp
Tue Apr 17 01:48:33 CEST 2007

--- Mojca Miklavec <mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com> wrote:

> That means that there should be a way in XeLaTeX to
> do that as well
> (if you figure out that you need it ;).

You are right.  Both the external graphic state
(transparency) and graphic state can be controled with
\special{pdf:annot ...}, and there was no need to resort
to \special{x:renderingmode ...}.
Indeed the pgf/TikZ package provide a high level interface
for plain TeX, LaTeX and ConTeXt of trancparency.
For LaTeX,
 \node[inner sep=0mm,fill opacity=0.4] (X) {text};

BTW, what is the size limit of attachment in this list?
The sample PDF I once mentioned is nearly 1 MB now.

> Mojca


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