[XeTeX] xdvipdfmx doesn't seem to respect PDF crop areas

Zachary Pincus zpincus at stanford.edu
Sat Sep 23 00:49:35 CEST 2006

Hello all,

I have made a test case which replicates my problem.

It looks like the layout is performed taking the bounding box into  
account (e.g. the spacing of surrounding text is correct for the  
bounding box), and the PDF figure has the proper bounding box (e.g.  
the area of the pdf outside the bounding box is not drawn). What is  
incorrect is that the PDF is placed in the layout so that the lower- 
left corner of the full PDF area is at the lower-left corner of the  
layout box for the graphics. (Not sure of the correct term here.)  
What should be happening of course is that the lower-left corner of  
the *bounding box* for the PDF is placed at the lower-left of the  
layout box.

The test case is:


Some text.
More text.

(The two test PDFs, figure.pdf and figure-nocrop.pdf, are attached.)
If figure-nocrop is included, then XeLaTeX and XeLaTeX+xdvipdfmx give  
identical output. If figure is included, then XeLaTeX+xdvipdfmx has  
the problem specified above.

Thanks again Akira and Jonathan for your help; sorry I was imprecise  
earlier in specifying the exact problem. Hopefully this will help!


On Sep 21, 2006, at 5:32 PM, Zachary Pincus wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to use XeTeX (on a Mac; using the latest i-installer
> version: 0.995) to typeset my thesis. My figures are stored as letter-
> sized PDF files with a PDF crop area set around the actual "figure
> area" that should be included.
> Unfortunately, when I use xelatex with the xdvipdfmx driver, the crop
> area is not respected for the PDF figures included with
> \includegraphics or with \XeTeXpdffile. If I use "regular" xelatex or
> plain latex, things work fine.
> However, with xelatex alone then PDF bookmarks and links made with
> the hyperref package do not work in TeXShop or Preview, which is why
> I was using the xdvipdfmx driver in the first place.
> Short of setting the PDF page size to the crop area for all of my
> figures (instead of just setting the crop area; the latter task being
> much easier in Illustrator), is there anything I can do to get *both*
> working hyperlinks and properly-embedded PDF figures?
> Thanks,
> Zach Pincus
> Program in Biomedical Informatics and Department of Biochemistry
> Stanford University School of Medicine
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