[XeTeX] Fonts for (Xe)TeX use

Michael Zedler michael.zedler at tum.de
Mon Oct 9 22:14:12 CEST 2006

Joachim Trinkwitz schrieb:
> Regarding legality, Adobe doesn't seem prohibitive to moving and  
> using the fonts with other applications on your system; cf. http:// 
> www.typeforum.de/modules.php? 
> op=modload&name=News&file=article&thold=-1&mode=flat&order=0&sid=259
> where someone cites (in german, sorry) Adobe's customer service  
> answering a question concerning the use of Minion and Myriad.

Ah! If this is not a fake message, the translation is

> Adobe's answer:
> Thank you for your inquiry.
> Please excuse the late answer. It is no problem using the fonts with other programmes.
> In case you have further questions, please contact us any time.


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