[XeTeX] a few questions XeLaTeX and Beamer

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Mar 10 00:24:04 CET 2006

Am 09.03.2006 um 15:18 schrieb Dalyoung:

> 1. it search the file, "pgfsys-xetex.def", but there is no such  
> file in teTeX tree.

Bruno Voisin wrote in October that it's probably not possible to make  
PGF XeTeX compatible:

> Regarding the pgf package (where pgf stands, ironically enough, for  
> "Portable Graphics Format"), I have been having a quick look at  
> pgf.sty. Sure enough, it can't work with XeTeX. There are only two  
> options, one, [pdf], producing PDF output and using instructions like:
> \DeclareOption{pdf}
> {
>   % Driver commands for pdf
>   \ifx\pdfximage\@undefined% less than version 14
>   \let\pdfxform\pdfform
>   \let\pdflastxform\pdflastform
>   \let\pdfrefxform\pdfrefform
>   \fi
> which are specific to pdfTeX, and the other, [postscript],  
> producing PostScript output and using instructions like:
> \DeclareOption{postscript}
> {
>   % Driver commands for postscript
>   \def\pgfsys at lineto#1#2{\pgf at ps{#1 #2 lineto}}
>   \def\pgfsys at moveto#1#2{\pgf at ps{#1 #2 a}}
>   \def\pgfsys at closepath{\pgf at ps{closepath}}
> [...]
>   \def\pgfsys at openpicture{\special{ps: }%
>     \special{ps::[begin]}\pgf at ps{pgfo}}
>   \def\pgfsys at closepicture{\pgf at ps{pgfc}\special{ps::[end]}}
> which are specific to dvips (especially the \special syntax).
> More of the same:
> \ifcase\pdfoutput
> \ExecuteOptions{postscript} % default if no pdf
> \else
> \ExecuteOptions{pdf} % default if pdf
> \fi
> implies the [postscript] option is used whenever \pdfoutput  
> (specific to pdfTeX) is undefined. And:
> \def\pgf at pdf#1{{\edef\a{{#1}}\pdfliteral\a}}
> \def\pgf at ps#1{{\edef\a{{ps:: #1}}\special\a}}
> which seem to be the most important commands for PDF and PS output,  
> respectively, use pdfTeX- and dvips-specific instructions,  
> respectively.
> Thus, though advocated as portable, producing PS or PDF graphics at  
> will, the package pgf.sty relies actually on two specific TeX  
> drivers, dvips for PS and pdfTeX for PDF.
> Moreover, the fact that the code associated with the options [pdf]  
> and [postscript] is contained inside pgf.sty instead of being  
> delegated to separate definition files, say pdftex.def and  
> dvips.def, respectively, indicates that the package was designed  
> only with these two drivers in mind.
> Not that the graphical concepts and language defined by pgf.sty  
> aren't great, though. It looks quite powerful. But it would require  
> programming skills in PS and PDF far beyond mine for adapting it to  
> XeTeX.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


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