[XeTeX] pstricks

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Tue Jun 13 15:28:04 CEST 2006

On 13 Jun 2006, at 2:05 pm, Yves Codet wrote:

> Hello.
> I'm trying to do something very simple with "pstricks", without much
> success. I have:
> 	\usepackage[dvips]{pstricks}
> in the preamble, and:
> 	\begin{pspicture}(0,0)(2,2)
> 	\psdots[linecolor=black,dotstyle=asterisk,dotscale=2](0,0)(0,2)(1,1)
> 	\end{pspicture}
> in the document, and nothing but blank space in the output. Sorry  
> about
> this newbie question but what did I miss?

This cannot work in xetex, because pstricks will be generating  
postscript fragments; but xetex doesn't understand, use or generate  
postscript output, and does not work with the dvips driver.

Depending on your particular needs, it may be possible to use a  
package such as ps4pdf to convert the postscript graphics into pdf,  
which xetex can then include. Or if you're on linux, with the  
xdvipdfmx driver, the pdftricks package might be a usable alternative  
to pstricks. (I have not tried either of these suggestions, they're  
just ideas people might want to experiment with.)


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