[XeTeX] XeTeX for Linux (first experiencies)

Yves Codet ycodet at club-internet.fr
Wed Jun 7 09:42:55 CEST 2006


Le 6 juin 06, à 23:59, Will Robertson a écrit :

> On 07/06/2006, at 3:35 , Yves Codet wrote:
>>> No, that's \greek that is unknown. I suspect Yves is using a custom
>>> format file with extra hyphenation patterns loaded and \greek defined
>>> as a language number.
>> Indeed, and you helped me to fix the file. Here it is:
>> <uni-grhyph.tex>
> It would be a great if these sort of files could be uploaded to CTAN.
> The more built-in support that can be included in the base XeTeX
> download, the better.

I just uploaded this archive:

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I've added a README; I hope it's clear and correct. Unfortunately it 
isn't complete: I don't know how to use plainTeX.

I suggested to put it into "/languages/hyphenation/", though it would 
be better to put it with XeTeX but I couldn't find any such directory 
(except in "/macros").

Kind regards,


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