[XeTeX] Embedding of fonts from included graphics

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Jun 1 17:59:00 CEST 2006

Le 1 juin 06 à 15:57, William Adams a écrit :

> Even after pushing them to a second page with:
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage[xetex]{graphicx}
> %document specific macro
> \begin{document}
> This is a test
> \clearpage
> \includegraphics[]{obstboth6.pdf}
> \end{document}
> I still get the labels okay in Acrobat Professional 7 with all 3 .pdf
> graphics

Try this:

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
off \\

and look at the result in Reader or Acrobat Professional 7: empty boxes!

Now comment out the line containing the word "off": no more boxes! Or  
replace obstboth6 by obstboth5: no more boxes either!

The problem seems to be triggered by the combination of 3 factors:

- inclusion of the PDF file obstboth6.pdf, converted from EPS using  
GhostScript (as opposed to Apple's Distiller);

- presence of the exact word "off" before the inclusion of the PDF file;

- viewing of XeTeX's PDF output in Reader or Acrobat 7.

Does this mean "off" is incorporated without some form of protection  
inside the PDF stream, and interpreted as a PDF "keyword" by the  
viewer (if that is indeed the appropriate term)?

In any case, and if that is reproducible on your setup, then that  
sounds like a bug, from either XeTeX, GhostScript or Acrobat.

And then: why is it always me, that is faced with such things?


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