[XeTeX] Hyperref problem

Akira Kakuto kakuto at fsci.fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Sat Jul 22 00:21:36 CEST 2006

> Even with [unicode] removed as an option to hyperref, manually accented 
> glyphs in \section(s) are still not correctly rendered in bookmarks. For 
> example \'Etude is rendered as __ude (__ being a square).

In these cases, please use \texorpdfstring{}{} like
\section{\texorpdfstring{\'Etude}{utf-8 version}}.

> One further question : I notice that jpg graphics included via 
> \includegraphics seem to cause problems, with some erros message 
> complaining that "xxxx.bb not found". Is there a workaround ?

In order to include foo.jpg, run a command
ebb foo.jpg
before running xelatex. The command creates foo.bb,
a file in which BoundingBox is written.

In the latest xelatex (svn revision 310 or higher),
you can include foo.jpg without foo.bb by using
the default driver. To use the default driver,
you should'nt use the option "dvipdfm".


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