[XeTeX] Lucida Sans tracked tighter

Will Robertson will at guerilla.net.au
Wed Apr 5 09:49:19 CEST 2006

On 05/04/2006, at 16:32 , Bruno Voisin wrote:

> Thread "gtamacfonts ligatures: PDF searchability" starting on 28  
> March and ending up on 30 March (Paris time zone). Beware, on gmane  
> <http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.macosx> it's been cut into  
> several separate threads.'

Thanks for the link, I was wondering when this issue would flare up.  
For the record, I agree both with William that it's technically not  
allowed (although I haven't studied the license agreement) and with  
Gerben that it doesn't matter anyway. But let's not go into it here  
as well :)


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