[XeTeX] access to composite characters

Will Robertson will at guerilla.net.au
Tue Nov 1 23:53:05 CET 2005

01/11/2005, 11pm - Malte Rosenau wrote:

> what's the best way to typeset latin unicode characters like ? with  
> XeTeX? The OTF font I'm currently using does not contain the glyph,  
> so how can I fake it? Is there a recommended way to declare unicode  
> characters similiarly to the definitions for composite characters  
> in t1enc.def???

Hi Malte,

The character you're after didn't turn up in my mail reader :) but if  
you're after fancy accents and so on, then check out Ross Moore's  
xunicode package. I suspect it'll do what you want.

Sorry my information is a little brief...


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