[XeTeX] line spacing

Stephen Moye stephenmoye at mac.com
Sat Mar 5 20:32:04 CET 2005

On Saturday, March 05, 2005, at 01:13PM, Yves Codet <ycodet at club-internet.fr> wrote:

>When I use "Zapfino" to typeset a text I get, for each page, a warning 
>about an overfull or underfull vertical box. I guess it's because the 
>space between two lines is a little too large.
>I tried:
>	\renewcommand\baselinestretch{xxx}
>with different values. It doesn't seem to do anything.
>Is this command overridden by "fontspec" and is there a "fontspec" way 
>to choose a spacing?
>I attach a short sample which shows that small problem.
>Kind regards,

You probably want to take a look at the use of something \lineskiplimit=-1000pt. Then \renewcommand\baselinestretch{1.7} (or something like that -- experiment to find what works best) will give you control over Zapfino's enormous distance-between baselines.


Stephen Moye

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