[XeTeX] Math Problem and XeLaTeX

Herb Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Sat Mar 5 18:06:24 CET 2005


I just ran into a problem when using `\dot x' or `\ddot x' in math mode and
XeLaTeX. My preamble, besides the usual amsmath, etc., package loading has

\setromanfont[Numbers=Lining,Scale=1.05]{Hoefler Text}
\setsansfont[Scale=1.01]{Gill Sans}

and all seems be ok but the compile seems to hang after saying

Output written on test.pdf (1 page).
Transcript written on test.log.

in the Console window; which seems to indicate that all went well. The .pdf
file is never really generated!

The text is:

Here are ``dotted'' and ``ddotted'' \(x\)'s in math mode: \(\dot x=\ddot
x\). And now in displayed math mode:
\dot x=\ddot x.


By the way if I move the lucbmath package line to after the loading of the
fontspec and xunicode packages I get an extra warning:


Package lucidabr Warning: Unknown Operator Encoding!
(lucidabr)                Math accents may be wrong: assuming OT1 positions.


with the same hang at the end.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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