[XeTeX] XeTeX 0.99 released

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Thu Dec 8 21:30:11 CET 2005

On 8 Dec 2005, at 8:22 pm, Stephen Moye wrote:

> I changed:
> \def\V{:vertical} % for font defs
> to
> \def\V{/AAT:vertical} % for font defs
> and this seems to make no difference, both on 10.3.9 and 10.4.3

Well, that's pretty annoying! OK, something more is afoot than I  
figured out yet. I'll need to look into this further, but it won't be  
until next week, as I'm away for a few days.

Could I get you to send me a sample (offlist) to look at, including  
the following items:

- your source (.tex), even if it's just my sample, tweaked
- the output (.pdf) that you get with "vertical" mode supposedly enabled
- the output (.xdv) that you get by running "xetex -no-pdf" on it
- the .log file from that run



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