[XeTeX] OS X fonts.

Ross Moore ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Thu Jul 22 13:59:44 CEST 2004

Hi Jonathan, Bruno, and others.

On 22/07/2004, at 5:54 PM, Jonathan Kew wrote:

> On 22 Jul 2004, at 7:26 am, Bruno Voisin wrote:
>> You'll also need to alter your input habits a bit: for proper output, 
>> XeTeX expects all your input to be UTF-8. This implies, in 
>> particular, that TeX control sequences such as -- --- `` '' for 
>> getting – — “ ” need to be entered directly on the keyboard as – — “ 
>> ” etc.; the same applies to accents or diacritics, i.e. write "été" 
>> not "\'et\'e", "œuvre" not "\oe uvre", "français" not "fran\c cais" 
>> etc.
> Or, as has been discussed previously, you can redefine the accent and 
> "special character" macros you need, such as \', \c, \oe, or whatever, 
> so that they generate the correct Unicode character codes rather than 
> the font-specific codes used in Computer Modern. In plain TeX this is 
> fairly easy (though tedious) in most cases; in LaTeX, I'm not sure how 
> best to make it interact with all the other LaTeX stuff for handling 
> input encodings, font encodings, font changes, etc. That's a job for a 
> LaTeX expert, which I'm not.

I've just about finished the first version of a package which does 
precisely this.

It correctly defines the code-points for ~900 Unicode glyphs,
allowing characters to be generated from the old-style LaTeX codings,
and \text....  macros.

It covers the usual accents:
   \' \` \" \^ \~ \= \c \v \k \r \H \"
as well as dots over/under   \. \d \b
and exotics  \B \M \m \T  (for African letters).

It also works for many (e.g. Vietnamese) double-accents.

Give me another 1-2 days for final tweaking, then I'll post
it here and invite everyone to test whether it meets their

All the best,


> Jonathan
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