[XeTeX] fontspec 1.5 (& Lucida Math)

Will Robertson will at guerilla.net.au
Fri Dec 3 02:28:52 CET 2004

On 3 Dec 2004, at 11:43 AM, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> Herb Schulz wrote:
>> I get no \Gamma displayed.
> In short: it's all my fault!

I wouldn't go that far :)
I should hold the blame more that you since I added it into the package.

> ...\Gamma is taken from the "operators" font which is the text font 
> CMR (the same is also true, actually, of plain TeX):
> 	\DeclareMathSymbol{\Gamma}{\mathalpha}{operators}{"00}

Yeah, I missed that bit, unfortunately.
Essentially, the short of it is that my math font enabling code needs 
to be run differently for different math fonts (with new math fonts, 
what I did was good, and without (i.e., using CM) then I need to define 
a new math symbol font for the greeks). I can tell when this happens 
with the \@ifpackageloaded command, so that should be no problem to 

Thanks for the help,

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