[XeTeX] fontspec 1.5

Herb Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Thu Dec 2 02:41:29 CET 2004

On 12/1/04 6:53 PM, "Will Robertson" <will at guerilla.net.au> wrote:

> For better or worse (I suspect the latter), I automatically load the
> utf8accents package, as it isn't really something a user should worry about.
> There was some discussion regarding what to do with the package in the
> future (i.e., turning it into a font encoding as it should be), but I
> don't know what the outcome of that was.
> But I agree, I do find it easier to type ``---'' than their unicode
> equivalents. That just sparked an idea: wouldn't it be nice if -> turned
> into \rightarrow, and >= turned into \geq, and so on? This would make
> TeX maths even easier to read. (Especially if you used nath instead of
> amsmath and all delimiters acted as if arguments of \left and \right.)
> Regards,
> Will


I didn't notice that! makes it even simpler.

I did have a problem with Hoefler and maths; the \Gamma seemed to have
disappeared. Outsidxe of that it looked pretty good. I still have a problem
with using \usepackage{lucbmath} before the \setromanfont{} spec.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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