[XeTeX] Small Caps with Lucida Bright

Atip Asvanund atip at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Aug 18 08:01:37 CEST 2004


I just found out that my Lucida Bright came with Office 2004. I tried 
following your advice, and it says that no AAT features and versions are 
available in the font. So how would I proceed from here?

Thank you,


  > Le 18 août 04, à 00:45, Atip Asvanund a écrit :
>> How would I define Small Caps for the Lucida Bright that comes with 
>> Panther? I tried the following, and it appears to not be working.
>> \DeclareFontShape{U}{lucidabr}{m}{sc}%
>>       {<-> "Lucida\space Bright:Letter\space Case=Small\space Caps"}{}
> Hello,
> I assume you mean Lucida Grande. Then using the file AAT-info.tex, from the 
> XeTeX samples, tells (beware: this file must be processed with plain TeX, not 
> LaTeX) that for the available features for this font are common ligatures, 
> Hebrew diacritics, Vietnamese double accents, Yiddish digraphs, but no small 
> caps.
> Alternatively, if you prefer a graphical user interface and have the Xcode 
> tools installed, you may use /Developer/Applications/Utilities/Built\ 
> Examples/WorldText.app: open WorldText, go to Font/Show Fonts… and select, in 
> the Font palette that appears, Lucida Grande Regular. Near the lower left 
> corner of this palette there is a small wheel icon which, upon clicking, 
> reveals a submenu: in this submenu, select Typography… and you'll see a 
> window containing the same info as AAT-info.pdf.
> There is a Lucida Bright Small Caps Regular font, but it's not included in 
> Panther: it's part of the commercial Lucida Bright Expert package available 
> from Y&Y <http://www.yandy.com/lucida.htm>. I don't think you'd want these 
> fonts: these are fonts done specially for TeX, and which do not work well 
> with other OS X applications; moreover, Lucida Bright Small Caps is a serif 
> font, designed to match the serif Lucida Bright, and distinct from the sans 
> serif Lucida Grande.
> That said, I have replaced myself happily the CM fonts by Lucida Bright/New 
> Math in my daily use of TeX for a long time, and I quite enjoy and recommend 
> them, but, again, I don't think that's what you're asking about here.
> Hope this helps,
> Bruno Voisin
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