[XeTeX] Re: [MacTeX] XeTeX

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Wed Apr 14 14:24:21 CEST 2004

On 14 Apr 2004, at 3:08 am, Ross Moore wrote:
> Doh!
>  because of the zeros, these are all consistent with:
>          ?*16^6 + ?*16^4 + ?*16 + ?
> as confirmed by:
>     \mathcode`\^^A="3223  % \downarrow
>             3*16^3 + 2*16^2 + 2*16 + 3 = 12835       (TeX gives this)
>             3*16^6 + 2*16^4 + 2*16 + 3 = 50462755    (XeTeX gives this)
> (Hmm; at  ~1:00am  this simple explanation escaped me!)
> So it looks like the \mathcode numbers have been built from
> the 3 separate pieces of information
>    e.g.  "3223  =  3 2 23    (each in Hexadecimal)
> which xetex  stores (or reads back) as:  "03 "02 "0023
> Also, the  mathcode "8000 trick is used by several
> LaTeX packages. For testing this:
> \count255="8000
> \showthe\count255
> {\obeyspaces%
> \mathcode`\ ="8000 % \space
> \count255=\mathcode`\ % space
> \showthe\count255%
> }%
> TeX gives:      32768 = 2^{15} = "8000
> XeTeX gives:   134217728 = 2^{27} = 8 x 16^6 = "08 00 0000
>> So the bits are being mis-interpreted, either on setting
>> the \mathcode , or upon reading back its value.
> Over to you now Jonathan  --- welcome to the list !
> Cheers
> 	Ross

Thanks for this, Ross; yes, I see the same results you do, and clearly 
something's wrong. Hope to look into it soon; I'll let you know when I 
have a fixed version to try. It's pretty amazing that any math works at 
all, considering this!

By the way, what happens if you try this with Omega?

And I'll see if I can do anything about the bloated PDFs that are 
generated when you use CM fonts, as someone reported. To some extent, I 
think this is an Apple issue, as the xdv2pdf tool generates PDF by 
simply imaging with the Quartz engine to a PDF destination. But I may 
be able to improve how it behaves.

I'm also painfully aware of the need for documentation, installer 
improvements, etc.; this is only a beginning. Glad to see there are 
people interested in it.


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