[XeTeX] Re: [MacTeX] XeTeX

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Sat Apr 10 11:27:36 CEST 2004

On 10/04/2004, at 1:50 PM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

> On Apr 9, 2004, at 7:50 PM, Ross Moore wrote:
>>> I gotta believe there's a way to realize some of the goals discussed 
>>> here previously using this tool.  Nevertheless, even this then has 
>>> limitations (input files must be unicode).
>>   ... and hyphenation isn't implemented within ATSUI fonts.
> Actually, hyphenation is now there.  From the XeTeX-notes file:

OK. Indeed the  PicFileSample  shows this.

Did anyone else have difficulties installing ?

When I first tried, the .pool, .xfmt and .otf files were not copied into
the texmf/ tree.
I was able to trace the problems, using the preflight and postflight
scripts for the installation, and get it all working.

But even then, there is a *big* problem (at least on my 10.3.2 system)
    1.  the CM-test.tex  example
    2.  using LaTeX with  xetex .

Here's what I get with the CM example:
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As for LaTeX...

   I managed to compile  latex.xfmt  and setup a command  xelatex  to 
use it,
and adjust  texmf.cnf  to find the correct LaTeX paths, etc.

However, there is a problem when some standard LaTeX files are read:

)fclose: Bad file descriptor
fclose: Bad file descriptor
  (/usr/local/teTeX/texmf/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsa.fd)fclose: Bad file 

(/usr/local/teTeX/texmf/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsb.fd)fclose: Bad file 

! Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts.
\endtabular ->\crcr \egroup \egroup $
l.29 \maketitle

Not sure how to trace this kind of error.
Any ideas, anyone ?

> Versions of XeTeX before version predecessor TEXGX), did not support 
> automatic hyphenation when using AAT-based fonts. This feature is now 
> operational, using the standard TEX hyphenation algorithm.



> Bruce
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