[Tugindia] Rupee symbol for LaTeX on Mac OS X

Kannan Moudgalya kannan at iitb.ac.in
Tue Jan 4 03:45:54 CET 2011

Shrisha Rao wrote:
> I am using the symbol on Mac OS X with XeLaTeX (not plain LaTeX), using fontspec and the following lines in the preamble (with the font itself placed in /Library/Fonts):
> \newfontface\Rupee{Indian Rupee} % Raju Das's Indian Rupee font
> \newcommand{\Rs}{{\Rupee \symbol{"20A8}}}
> Then in the main body (after \begin{document}), one can simply write ``This contract is worth \Rs 20,000,'' etc.
Unfortunately, it does not work on LaTeX.  Thanks.


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