[Tugindia] Font problem

Anoop Sinha dr.anoopsinha at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 06:18:48 CET 2009

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Shrisha Rao <shrao at nyx.net> wrote:
> is there a reason that you cannot just embed
> all fonts in the document itself?

I think the fonts are already embedded in the document. I opened it in
acrobat reader, and File > Properties > Fonts show that all the
necessary (subset of) fonts are already embedded in the document.

> -- after doing the standard rounds of latex, bibtex, latex, latex, dvips on
> the file.

Been using pdflatex. Is that causing the problem?

> It is worth wondering why the press cannot just
> take a camera-ready text from you.  If they are only using Corel Draw to
> insert the title pages, logo, etc., this may not be such a big issue,
> however.

This press uses Corel Draw to place pages in sets of eight. I'm not
entirely certain, but I think it makes it easy fold these sheets into
the final arrangement and crop off the edges.

And, finally, thank you for your prompt reply.

Dr. Anoop Sinha

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