[Tugindia] Diagram message

Nina Mazumdar nina.mazumdar at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 07:16:56 CEST 2008

On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 10:22 PM, Naveed Shams <nshams40 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I want to make the diagram attached with the email message. I am using the following code in LaTeX:
> \begin{displaymath}
> \xymatrix{ \wtu \[r]^{\lambda} \ar[d]_{\pi} & \wtu' \ar[d]^{\pi'} \\
> \wtu/\Ga \ar[d]_{\sim} & \wtu'/\Ga' \ar[d]^{\sim}\\ U \[r]& U'}
> \end{displaymath}
> But I am getting the following error message:
> ***********************
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> <argument> ...\COORD@ =\xymatrixCOORD@ \setbox \z
> @ \hbox {\frozen @everymat...
> l.45 \xy@{\save }{\save@ }
> %
> The control sequence at the end of the top line
> of your error message was never \def'ed.
> ************************
> The problem is that I have used it in another environment successfully and the parameters are pretty much the same in both environments.
> Any ideas?

Seems like mailman has gobbled up your attachment, possibly it might
have exceeded the size limits allowed for attachments.  In the absence
of your code, I could not give a try.  However, with 'all' option for
xy package and with a definition for \wtu (I do not know, what it
stands for), it compiled.  You have provided \[ .... \] inside the
matrix which should create a bad math delimiter error (unless you have
redefined them), so, I changed them to [ ... ].

Can you please send me your attachment off list?

Happy TeXing and best regards


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