[Tuglist] Page numbering

Sucharita Sinha tuglist@gnu.org.in
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:18:05 +0500 (GMT+0500)

How do I make the page numbering in my thesis continuous..the numbers
start afresh from each chapter!



 "Your work is to discover your work and then with
   all your heart to give yourself to it."
      -- Buddha  
Sucharita Sinha
Research Scholar 
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research  Tel: 022-8400919/20/21
Goregaon East                                    Fax: 022-8402027
Mumbai 400 065                          e-mail:  ssinha@igidr.ac.in 
India.                                sucharitasinha@rediffmail.com	  	