[tldoc] Russian translation (texlive-ru)

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Sun Apr 2 21:18:11 CEST 2017

On 2017-04-02 at 13:54:50 +0300, Nikola Lečić wrote:

 > Reinhard, thank you very much for all the info and your time! I'll
 > incorporate all your corrections into TL2017 docs. Just a few comments.
 > On Fri, 24 Mar 2017 23:58:25 +0100
 >   in <22741.42129.793793.295771 at zaphod.ms25.net>,  
 >      <22740.28141.113865.363742 at zaphod.ms25.net>
 >   Reinhard Kotucha <reinhard.kotucha at web.de> wrote:
 > >   Петер Брајтенлонер [Peter Breitenlohner]
 > > 
 > > This is definitely a great idea.
 > This is how foreign names should be written according to the official
 > orthography in Serbian. And it have ~100 pages about recommended
 > transcriptions of foreign names.

What I actually meant is that it's a good idea to add the original
name as well ("Peter Breitenlohner", in the example above) so that
people can investigate themselves when the transcription or
transliteration is ambiguous.

 > [...]
 > > Similarly, the name of Hans Hagen is correct in the Serbian
 > > translation (Ханс Хахен) but the Russian translation looks wrong
 > > (Ханс Хаген), at least if we prefer transcriptions.
 > In Serbian, according to official orthography, the pronouncement is
 > always a priority (with very few exceptions, where there is a wrong,
 > but old and very widespread form, such as Распућин [correct:
 > Распутин]). 
 > In Russian they don't seem to have a correct pronunciation as a
 > priority: Гегель (and not Хэгэл or at least Хегел), Гуссерль
 > (not Хуссэрл/Хуссерл...), Гейзенберг (not Хайзенберг), Ганс (not Ханс),
 > Кентуки (not Кэнтаки)...

I suppose that there are official rules.  But as I said before,
transliterations don't care about pronunciation and transcriptions
don't care about spelling.  Hence Ганс is correct if it's a
transliteration, and Ханс is correct if it's a transcription.  Neither
of them is incorrect.

It seems that Russians prefer transliterations and replace the H
(missing in Cyrillic) with Г instead of Х.  Since they cannot
vocalize it properly anyway, it makes sense.

On the other hand, Russians living in Germany say Х instead of Г
because Х is closer to the German H.


Reinhard Kotucha                            Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                    mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de

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