[tldoc] [tex-live] Broken documentation

Boris Veytsman borisv at lk.net
Wed Jan 24 20:10:32 CET 2007

KB> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:40:29 -0600
KB> From: karl at freefriends.org (Karl Berry)
KB> 	USER_IN_WHITELIST autolearn=ham version=3.0.3

KB> However, Hartmut added a paragraph (to English live.tex) about manpath
KB> configuration.  So if any translators still retain their insanity, here
KB> is the new text:
KB> http://tug.org/svn/texlive/trunk/Master/texmf-doc/source/english/texlive-en/live.tex?r1=3670&r2=3735

Would not the paragraph look better if the entry occupies two lines?

MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-linux \

Anyway I checked in the changed Russian translation.

Good luck


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		-- Lao Tsu

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