[tldistro] manual page meta-information in tlpdb?

Edd Barrett vext01 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 12:25:52 CEST 2013

Hi texlive people,

I am nearing the completion of porting texlive 2013 to OpenBSD. Thanks again
to Norbert for his security patches. Please continue to mail security fixes
to this list -- most appreciated.

I have a request. I want to be able to distinguish manual pages from other
documentation, as I would like to be able to install the manual pages and
the runfiles together without the rest of the documentation.  As it stands
'docfiles' covers both manual pages and other documentation (such as PDFs
and READMEs etc.)

What would the TeX Live developers think of adding a new file type to
the tlpdb such as 'manfiles'?

I appreciate that this could be a fair amount of work for no gain to
anyone else other than me, but perhaps I am wrong.


Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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