[tldistro] TeX Live is now in the Cygwin distro

pcpa at mandriva.com.br pcpa at mandriva.com.br
Mon Mar 12 23:17:08 CET 2012

> On 3/9/2012 5:48 PM, Norbert Preining wrote:
>> On Fr, 09 Mär 2012, Ken Brown wrote:
>>> I'm not familiar with the multi-version of updmap.  Can you tell me what
>>> it is in a few words?  Or is it documented yet?
>> In short words, it reads *all* the updmap.cfg files it finds. Then
>> layers them on top of each other, so that yo can disable  former entries
>> in later (more important) updmap.cfg files.
> Thanks for the information.  I have another question.  Is it feasible
> for a distro to make use of tlmgr.pl for certain tasks?  Here's a
> specific example that just came up, but there may well be others.

  I wrote a sketch of a tlmgr-urpm sometime ago, need to rework it,
my idea was to just provide a perl/tk gui front end specific to
texlive, using urpmi to manage packages. This is low in my todo list
as there are already plenty of package managers, and with a "texlive-"
filter, the only advantage would be to choose by collection and

> Suppose we install a package that has an "AddHyphen" command.  I gather
> from looking at tlmgr.pl that there should be a postinstall step that
> regenerates various language data and then runs fmtutil.  I wonder if we
> could call "tlmgr.pl generate language" to handle the first step.  Are
> there pitfalls here?

  All rpms I generate are from a script that parses texlive.tlpdb.
All scripts are at
you can checkout it with something like
svn co http://svn.mandriva.com/svn/packages/cooker/texlive-tlpkg/current

  The tlpobj2spec.pl script reads the name.tlpobj files and creates
a rpm spec from it. The texlive.post script runs in background and
update texlive configuration if not called again in 15 seconds,
otherwise, waits another 15 seconds...

> I'd be interested in knowing how other distros deal with this.

  Example of the extra files tlpobj2spec.pl creates during build
of a rpm package:

and then files in the somewhere.d/ are concatenated by texlive.post
before actually calling mktexlsr, updmap-sys, mtxrun and fmtutil-sys

> Thanks.
> Ken


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