[tlbuild] problem compiling

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Sun Jan 6 03:23:24 CET 2013

On Sa, 05 Jan 2013, Karl Berry wrote:
> You've been running reautoconf?  I'm surprised that works at all.  Peter

Since long time I am *always* unning reautoconf.

> releases.  You can't use our Makefile.in's, etc.?

No, for the Japanese we add pxdvi and pmetapost (Japanese versions)
to the build process, and that is done by adding code to the
.am etc parts, needing reautoconf.

Same goes for Debian packages that also run reautoconf

>     Where AM_V_P is nowhere defined 
> AM_V_P is a new variable, predefined as of Automake 1.12.2, so that's
> why you don't have it.  It's all about silencing (or not) make rules.

Ok, that means we need AUtomake >= 1.12.2 ...uff.

> It looks to me like Peter is using AM_V_P now in several *.am files.
> Can you move to a newer Automake?

I can, that is not the problem. For Debian I cannot influence it,
and for the Japanese builders I don't know what they have on their
machines. SO I will try to pre-create everything for them.



PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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