[tlbuild] Custom binaries and repositories [TL2010]

Angelo Graziosi angelo.graziosi at alice.it
Wed May 19 11:07:29 CEST 2010

I have built a recent trunk of TL2010 (on Cygwin), and have installed it 
using the local copy of ftp://ftp.tug.org/texlive/tlnet/, created with:

$RSYNC --exclude=2008 --exclude=mactex* --exclude=Mac* 
tug.org::texlive/tlnet/ /tmp/tlnet_repo

and that I have used up now to maintain TL2009 installation.

So I have installed TL2010 with

/tmp/tlnet_repo/install-tl -custom-bin /tmp/inst/bin/i386-cygwin

in which /tmp/inst is the directory where I have put the just built 
TL2010 binaries.

The problem with the above procedure is that, for example, the 4.15c 
version of latexmk package is installed instead of the current (in 
trunk) 4.16. So I think the above procedure is not completely right.

Then, which repository should we use?

Shouldn't we 'simulate' a full installation of TL2010?

Which is the right way to test/install new binaries?


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